A new client!!!

Christmas Come Early

I landed my first gig today! I'm going to be redesigning a website for an old client. I had designed and developed her current site back in 2016. It looks way dated and needs a lil sprucing up. I contacted her, setup a meeting, and agreed to redesign her site. AND get this - it's PAID! This will be a great addition to my portfolio, fingers-crossed. Now it's on to the design. I started by using the EOT site as a template. It might as well go to use.

I also learned a little bit about microservice architecture - creating DBs for each microservice and setting up events that communicate when the data has changed for each microservice. I also worked through an eCommerce MERN stack tutorial. The end result should look craaaazy! However, I need to familiarize myself with Express a bit more.

Ohhhhh... and I learned some new things in Figma. Like Auto-sizing (this is way cool!!!). It'll come in handy for the Salcedo site.


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